
"Scrollbars", Jan Robert Leegte and Edo Paulus, 2003
The work "Scrollbars" is a projection of 40 vertical scrollbars on a 2400 x 1200 x 400 mm volume. The scrollbars each have an independent movement following a specific algorithm, suggesting a horizontal movement. De development of the movement in time has been set in a way that the viewer can observe the specific state and also sense the change to the next composition.
The collision of the scollbars with the floor can be heard by means of a speaker-array mounted inside the object. The sounds are experienced "directional", meaning the viewer hears the collision where he sees it. Also the passing of the scrollbars is expressed through the use of sound. The work has an "eternal" loop. Once initiated it will keep developing itself.
audio sample 1 (mp3)
audio sample 2 (mp3)
For "Scrollbars" sound-artist Edo Paulus (www.eude.nl) was approached to make an audio interpretation of the animation.
Edo Paulus studied "Audio Design" at the art-academy in Utrecht, the Netherlands. His specialisation is using generative processes to create sound and musical textures resulting in automatical music-generating software, live music performances, sound-installations and audio for (interactive) imagery.

The images and video of "Scrollbars" seen here were taken at the festival "Lopend Beeld 2" ("Moving Image 2") at the Nieuwe Vide in Haarlem, the Netherlands and at the show "techno²" at Montevideo, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
check out the images of the presentation at Ultrasound as well!