autonomised out of focus.
Deconstructing Harry', 1997, by Woody Allen)

Opening up material.
('Wooden Mirror', 1999, by
Daniel Rozin)

The representation of the sculptural experience at its finest...
('Der Großglockner', by
Peter Vos)

"...you can actually click on the content that is underneath it. Giving
it a feel of a material object." [21.10.2005]
Window', by
Peter Luining)

"Started in the left-top corner with one triangle. Each following
triangle is aligned to its left and top neighbour. The error that is
made by doing this manually, is carried on to the last triangle on the
lower-right hand corner. (15 x 15 cm ballpoint on paper)" [07.10.2005]
('Continued Error', by
Jochem van der Spek)
the basics. pick your favorite sentence... [07.10.2005]
Sentences on Conceptual Art. (Sol Lewitt)

corner projection. [25.07.2005]
('Afrum-Proto', 1966 by
James Turrell)

"A mirror attached to south gallery window diverts the usual path
of afternoon
sunbeam across the gallery wall..." [19.07.2005]
('diversion' by
Christopher Musgrave)

gradient mural. (painted in thin bands from one side to the other) [16.07.2005]
(work by
Pieter Vermeersch)

need I say more... [16.07.2005]
(Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck)