
'Seclusion', performance/installation, 1998
material: wooden construction, unlimited copier paper, fineliners.
dimensions: 400 x 400 x 220 cm
'Seclusion' is a performance held in 1998 at the Willem de Kooning academie in Rotterdam. The performance was set up as self-portrait. For a week from nine to five, the artist boarded himself up in a public exhibition space. The only materials available were stacks of copier paper and fineliners. The artist entered the space with no preset ideas except for standard cliches as contemplation resulting in personal writings/sketches. After the week of seclusion the door was openened and the result exhibited for the following week. The result turned out to be a space filling minimal sculpture.

The images of "seclusion" were taken at the Willem de Kooning Art Academy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.